• 66575917-19 (021) - 09394309399
  • Course name: SMAW Electric Welding Training Course
  • Course type: Education Courses

SMAW Electric Welding Training Course

SMAW Electric Welding Training Course

Electrical welding training courses
Section (1) Hand welding electrode
1. Familiarity with various processes of non-fusion welding - Fuji
2. Familiarity with heat supply methods in welding
3. Familiarity with various welding devices
4. Recognition of flow types and polarity in welding
5. Checking the properties of the arch
6. Knowing the strong blow and its compensation
7. Understanding how to name the electrode in electric welding
8. Familiar with all kinds of edges and their characteristics
9. Understanding the types of welding situations
10-Exercise to arc and create a boil line
11-Exercise to arrange arches and create welds
12-Linear Coverage Welding Practice
13-Zikzak wrapping welding practice
14-Lumbar welding joint welding
15-head-to-head welding welding drill
16-External welding welding welding
17-One-Piece Triple Triple Welding Practice
18-Welding Triple Triple Triple Quest Multiplayer Zickzak
19-Welding Triplex Triple Triple Multiply Direct
20-Practice Welding Connect Three Fairy Flows
21-Practice Welding Tri-Head Up Three Pass
22-welding triple bonding welding
23-welding drill pipe connection to the plate
24-welding welding pipe-to-pipe connection