• 66575917-19 (021) - 09394309399
ارائه مدرک سازمان فنی و حرفه ای کشور
Learning professional skills and entering the job market is easier than imagining.
https://soroushejavid.com/content/images/دوره های آموزشی عادی

Normal training courses

This course of classes is organized according to the schedule of the school

https://soroushejavid.com/content/images/دوره های آموزشی فشرده

Intensive training courses

These classes are held exclusively for artists who are willing to learn in a short time

https://soroushejavid.com/content/images/دوره های آموزشی آخر هفته

Weekend Courses

Students who work or do not have the time to attend classes during the week can attend classes on weekends.

https://soroushejavid.com/content/images/دوره های آموزشی فشرده ویژه مهاجرت

Intensive Immigration Training Courses

These classes are held exclusively for artistic immigrants

https://soroushejavid.com/content/images/دوره های آنلاین

Onlice Courses

These classes are good for whome likes to take online Classes