• 66575917-19 (021) - 09394309399
  • Course name: 3D MAX training course | VRAY Training | Post production training
  • Course type: Education Courses

3D MAX training course | VRAY Training | Post production training

3D MAX training course | VRAY Training | Post production training

Part (1) 3D Dimension MAX Tutorial
1. Familiar with the environment and pallets in 3dmax
2. Familiarity with the commands and icons used in the 3dmax program
3. Familiarity with Level One modeling
4. Complete familiarity with level two modeling
5-level two introductory
Six advanced levels
7. Familiarity with building and building a camera in 3dmax
8. Perfect familiarity with making and creating standard lights in 3dmax
9 - Full acquaintance with making and creating material and assigning to the model
10-Complete acquaintance with the processing and final exits of the file
Section (2) V-Ray Training
12-course tutorials with V-ray side software
13. Familiarity with the v-ray creation instructions
14. Familiar with the set of commands and rendering operations
15. Familiarity with v-ray tools
Talk with topics related to creating sex-topics on v-ray topics and techniques
Advanced in the study and use of lighting techniques in the design of all types of light
17th calendar
Post production training post is visible below
is. These courses, in addition to teaching the theory of practical training.
Section (3) Post Production Production