Course name: Film editing course
Course type: Education Courses

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Film editing course

Film editing course

Professional training of Soroush Javid with a professional and international professional degree (Certificate Degree: Immigration, business license, representation) with a well-equipped workshop in the field of education (compilation, aesthetics, Adios, Primier, Futterfect) Teaching theory , Practical and operational
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Part 5 (5) Learning Primer (1) Training Tutorials
1. Define the compilation and process
2-Vocabulary and editing
3. Editorial history
4. Views (Cinematic Descriptions as Editorial)
5. Camera angle
6. Composition of the box
7-Decoupage mensen
8-Sequence plan versus compilation
10-Linear compilation
11. The rules and requirements that the editor must know
Section (2) Aesthetic Education Compilation
12-Introduction (Transfer of Meaning - Creativity - The Second Screenwriter)
13. Principles of Classic (Necessity - Probability - Chance - Contradiction - Harmony and ...)
14-Dramatic Effects (Shock-Suspension - Riddle-Ireney and ...)
15-Scene analysis (Editor's narrative - Action - Performing action - Default and ...)
16-Drafting Process (Assemblies - Rafkati and ...)
17. Continuous / non-permanent formulation
18-Cut pointing
19-Compilation in documentary film (stages of compilation - importance or necessity of writing and ...)
20-Editing in the storyline (loyalty or lack of loyalty to the script and ...)
21-Supplementary Important Subjects (Lowest Planning Time - Sensitive / Real Time - Psychology and Compilation, etc.)
Section (3) Edius Tutorial Software
22. General (definitions and terms - standards - formats and ...)
23-Getting Started with Edius (Opening a program - Creating a project - Making sequences - Panels - Initial settings - windows and ...)
24-Dating & Working with Timeline
25-Familiarity and working with pallets
26. Ability to edit a clip
27. Work with image effects (effects - transitions - speed - multiple simultaneous cameras and ...)
28. Work with sound (sound control - mix - adjust - normalize and ...)
29-Music video editing
30-Teaser compilation
31-Compilation of short fiction
32. Supplementary Important Items (AAF Output - EDL Output - Output Formats - DVD Outputs - Archiving and ...)
Section (4) After-Effect Software Training (Special Effects)
33. Aesthetics of special effects (necessity - necessity - dream and ...)
34-General (definitions - terms and ...)
35-Work Shahr (Introduction to Future Space - Project Management - Settings and ...)
36-Work with timeline
38 presets
39-key frames and animation
40-Difference RAM preview vs. final rendering
41-Render for final output
42-Writing Tools
43 masks and shapes
44-Adjust the layers
45-Graph Editor
47-Layers 3D
48-Camera tool
49-Layer Map
50-track mattes
51-Work with sound
52-boards and convert the image to pixels
53-motion blur
54-keying (working with kromaky and ...)
56. The Basics of Graphic Motion
57-Color correction
58. Some commonly used plugins
59. Work with the cars
60. Some special effects

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